Drug & Alcohol Testing
Monitoring inquires

About Arbutus Work Solutions Inc.

We believe people who are experiencing a substance use problem impacting their profession, family, and livelihood can take steps to regain control over their lives. Arbutus Work Solutions staff works with employers and employees/professionals, regulatory and certification bodies, and unions and managers in the Kamloops region to develop effective and affordable strategies to support individuals to return to work following inpatient or outpatient substance use treatment. Sometimes substance use will lead to addiction and become a chronic disorder requiring life-changing intervention, while in other cases, situational stress and life crisis leads to poor decisions such as excessive or non-appropriate substance use. A Medical Review Officer will assess in consultation with employee/professional stakeholders the type, severity, and history of substance use for each person referred to Arbutus.

Our Philosophy

Arbutus Work Solutions offers employers, communities, and businesses the tools to address substance use issues in the workplace from early detection right through to ensuring a successful return to work for employees and professionals following their treatment of a substance use disorder. We believe:

  • Addictions and substance use are treatable conditions
  • Employees and employers can mutually benefit from the support and monitoring that Arbutus Work Solutions provides
  • All workplaces should be safe and free from the harms of substance use
  • Early interventions in the substance use cycle offer the greatest results in workplace health

Learn more about the various pre-employment drug testing and medical monitoring services Arbutus Work Solutions provides in Kamloops and surrounding areas: